greeny+ team

A unique team

The greeny+ team consists of a diverse group of individuals with extraordinary expertise and a shared vision. It's the vision to make the world greener and healthier, to transform it into a place that meets the needs of future generations. The greeny+ family brings together profound knowledge from various fields including nutrition, agriculture, botany, technology, sustainability, ESG, communication, business, design, law, entrepreneurship, 3D printing, and much more.

  • Prof. Manfred Maus

    Senior Advisor greeny+

    Founder of OBI and entrepreneurial legend, father of managing director and board member Tom Maus

  • Dr. Jochen Leonardt

    stellv. Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender

    Unternehmer und Präsidiumsmitglied des BVMW, mit herausragenden Leistungen in der Weiterentwicklung des deutschen Mittelstands. Als Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater und Mitbegründer des ST-Verbundes ein gefragter Experte in Unternehmensführung und Eigenkapitalstrategien.

  • Tom Maus

    CEO and main shareholder

    Managing director and board member of the greeny+ companies (asset manager of OBI Vermögens and son of the founder Manfred Maus)

  • Siro Barino

    Supervisory Board of greeny+ AG Frankfurt am Main

    "Mindful Entrepreneur" with extensive experience in the field of strategic corporate communications, including roles as head of communications and media at Swissair and Credit Suisse Group

  • Stefan Grun

    Head of Franchise

    Experte für Franchise-Entwicklung: Unterstützt unsere Partner in der DACH-Region bei Expansion und nachhaltigem Wachstum.

  • Rolf Landgraf

    Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of greeny+ AG Frankfurt am Main

    Entrepreneur lawyer with over 20 years of experience, including for international stock corporations

  • Anita Schrank


    Member of the research team and responsible for our partners VITAJUWEL, memon bionic instruments, etc.

  • Kai Schaeffner

    Executive management

    Expert in digital transformation, former member of the board of Vorwerk (Thermomix)

  • Waltraud Martius

    strategische Beraterin Franchise bei greeny+

    Franchise-Expertin, Geschäftsführerin von SYNCON und Mitbegründerin des ÖFV - Österreichischer Franchiseverband mit über 1.400 begleiteten Projekten und internationaler Erfahrung.

The greeny+ partnerships

Unique partnerships and collaborations

In addition to our own core competencies, the greeny+ team comprises unique partnerships and collaborations with companies and individuals whose expertise makes greeny+ such a unique entity. These partnerships are integral to our greeny+ ecosystem, adding significant value to our mission.