greeny+ team
A unique team
The greeny+ team consists of a diverse group of individuals with extraordinary expertise and a shared vision. It's the vision to make the world greener and healthier, to transform it into a place that meets the needs of future generations. The greeny+ family brings together profound knowledge from various fields including nutrition, agriculture, botany, technology, sustainability, ESG, communication, business, design, law, entrepreneurship, 3D printing, and much more.
Prof. Manfred Maus
Senior Advisor greeny+
Founder of OBI and entrepreneurial legend, father of managing director and board member Tom Maus
Dr. Jochen Leonardt
stellv. Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender
Unternehmer und Präsidiumsmitglied des BVMW, mit herausragenden Leistungen in der Weiterentwicklung des deutschen Mittelstands. Als Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater und Mitbegründer des ST-Verbundes ein gefragter Experte in Unternehmensführung und Eigenkapitalstrategien.
Tom Maus
CEO and main shareholder
Managing director and board member of the greeny+ companies (asset manager of OBI Vermögens and son of the founder Manfred Maus)
Siro Barino
Supervisory Board of greeny+ AG Frankfurt am Main
"Mindful Entrepreneur" with extensive experience in the field of strategic corporate communications, including roles as head of communications and media at Swissair and Credit Suisse Group
Stefan Grun
Head of Franchise
Experte für Franchise-Entwicklung: Unterstützt unsere Partner in der DACH-Region bei Expansion und nachhaltigem Wachstum.
Rolf Landgraf
Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of greeny+ AG Frankfurt am Main
Entrepreneur lawyer with over 20 years of experience, including for international stock corporations
Anita Schrank
Member of the research team and responsible for our partners VITAJUWEL, memon bionic instruments, etc.
Dr. Alexander Wurdack
Executive management
Expert in production and human resources, former CEO & COO of ManpowerGroup Germany with 30,000 employees. Responsible for the development of the greeny+ MegaFactories
Kai Schaeffner
Executive management
Expert in digital transformation, former member of the board of Vorwerk (Thermomix)
Waltraud Martius
strategische Beraterin Franchise bei greeny+
Franchise-Expertin, Geschäftsführerin von SYNCON und Mitbegründerin des ÖFV - Österreichischer Franchiseverband mit über 1.400 begleiteten Projekten und internationaler Erfahrung.
The greeny+ partnerships
Unique partnerships and collaborations
In addition to our own core competencies, the greeny+ team comprises unique partnerships and collaborations with companies and individuals whose expertise makes greeny+ such a unique entity. These partnerships are integral to our greeny+ ecosystem, adding significant value to our mission.
Busse Engineering
Product development -
Premium printer manufacturer -
3D printing consulting -
Laureus Foundation
International elite sports -
memon bionic instruments
Renature your life -
Eußenheimer Manufaktur
Effective microorganisms -
Glassware designer -
Plattes Group
Tax, legal and investment law firm